Helping to build a healthier Oliver!
Active Transportation
Active Transportation for all ages and abilities is a passion of ours. We’re working to help prioritize secure bike racks in usable locations in the neighbourhood, as well as safe and protected multi-use lanes for all who walk, ride, roll or scoot. We keep an eye out for traffic disruptions and do our best to work with construction companies and the City to keep our multi-use lanes open and safe during construction.
Our vision is a healthy neighbourhood. That means creating spaces where people can gather, exercise, enjoy the outdoors… all the things that make us love Oliver! While we anticipate the eventual new Community Hall, we’re busy working with the City of Edmonton for a master plan for Oliver Park: keeping our outdoor pool open and accessible, piloting an off-leash space for our four-legged neighbours, optimizing our greenspace to be used by residents in the community. In other parts of the neighbourhood, the City’s Street Labs program has helped us slow traffic and increase safety at especially problematic intersections of the neighbourhood. What would help you live a more healthful life in Oliver?
Keeping these priorities top of mind with the City of Edmonton means advocacy. We keep in touch with our City Council to let them know when we love what they’re doing, and when we see opportunities for improvement. As well, you’ll see neighbourhood surveys from time to time – we want to know what’s important for YOU! These surveys help immensely as we set our priorities and when we bring your great ideas to the City for consideration.
Off-Leash Space
The OCL is excited to have worked with the City of Edmonton in their “Off-Leash Program” to build a small, temporary, off-leash dog zone in Oliver Park (118 St and 103 Ave). This 6-month pilot will be open from Spring to Autumn 2022. Following the pilot, we’ll be able to provide our usage numbers and feedback from residents to the City, so that we can work together for a space that works best for ALL residents.
- Off-leash volunteer signup:
- Off-leash feedback: